Personal Finance

Stay updated with the latest in Personal Finance, Income, Spending, Saving, Investing and Protection.

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Luubang is a place where Accountants, Auditors, Tax and Financial Professionals gets to meet and connect to each other digitally to learn and help out each other. 

Professional Networking

Get to know the right people to help boost your career or business. Finance Pro, Accountants, Auditors, Suppliers, Investors, Techie, Mentors, Sales & Marketing Gurus, Industry Experts etc.

Industry Knowledge Exchange

Get updates and join in the discussions with Industry Experts, Financial Professionals and other stakeholders in your industry

Financial Interest Groups

Join the Business Interest Groups relevant to you and get updated on your industry news

Looking for the Right Talent

We understand it is important for your business to hire the right people from the early stages. Luubang provides you a platform for your talent search.

And many more interesting and useful features for Financial Professionals ready for you. Dont forget to sign up to get the latest updates!